I honestly never thought I’d have a podcast. But I do! And I love it.

On reflection it probably makes sense considering my work for the last 20 years has been rooted in conversation. It’s also therefore no surprise that it’s called Changing Conversations.

3 years in and heading towards 100 episodes I thought I’d share a few reflections:

  • It needn’t be complicated. A simple format, with enough structure to guide and with enough flexibility to explore.

  • You don’t need lots of equipment. Of course, you could invest heavily in both equipment and production and we could probably be slicker than we are but what we’re doing works.

  • People listen. Yes, I know that’s the point but it still surprises me. I’m constantly surprised by people who tell me that Changing Conversations is one of their main sources of professional learning.

  • Each episode has a life of its own. It’s not about the immediate listen numbers, episodes grow at their own pace. They each have their own story to tell and they do that in their own way at their own pace. I love watching that evolve.

  • Every conversation is enjoyable. People come alive when they talk about what matters to them. It’s hard not to enjoy that and it’s easy to give deep attention in the presence of that.

  • People say ‘yes please’ when you ask them. Not every time of course, but almost always.

You can check out my podcast here.


The Trust equation


A programme called We:align