21 Things for 2021

Intentions really work for me. I decided to intentionally create a list of 21 things I want to do in 2021. It’s both a bit of fun and serious. By setting these intentions for myself I know I will work towards them in a gentle and mindful way. Spotting and creating opportunities.

Here is my list of 21 'things', in no particular order...

  1. Welcome my new niece or nephew into the world in January.

  2. Beach walks, fires and picnics whenever possible.

  3. Visit my friend Louise in Paris. Two failed attempts this year, hopefully 2021 may make it possible.

  4. Go on a yoga retreat. I would love this to be in a warm sunny climate but I will be happy with anywhere as long as I have a yoga pal with me!

  5. Become accredited with the International Coaching Federation. Having come from a regulated profession I do struggle with the fact that anyone can call themselves a coach. It’s not about having the badge but integrity is important to me and this is a part of it.

  6. Book a workshop to 'make something'. I managed a couple of things this year and would love to do more next year. I 'd like to try weaving!

  7. Spend time with my niece during the week before she starts school in August. I don't know where the time has gone!

  8. Feel more confident to say 'I have my own business' when people ask me what I do.

  9. Try paddle boarding. I am learning to manage my fear of water and cold water in particular with my weekly sea swims.

  10. Collaborate more often with great people. I have a few in mind but also can't wait to see who else the universe brings my way.

  11. Learn how to make eclairs - very specific, I know but my granny was very good at them I've always wanted to master it too.

  12. Create a 'product', I'm thinking a journal (or something) for educators. This is still a vague idea but one I want to explore.

  13. Talk to more brilliant people on my podcast. I love these conversations and love that they resonate with others.

  14. Drink more coffee in great independent coffee shops.

  15. Shop local and independent even more than I do now.

  16. Keep learning. I love learning, it's one of my core values (growth) and it's part of my self-care. I'm looking at Nancy Kline's Time to Think programmes at the moment...

  17. Bag a Munro. It will be my first.

  18. Spend more time on Skye. I have 2 trips planned with a 3rd penciled in.

  19. See my friends and be able to leisurely eat, drink, laugh and chat.

  20. Hug my godchildren. I've missed my trips to Yorkshire to see them, with a bit of luck I will see them in Skye in June - now that's a pretty great combo!

  21. Drink more champagne, not in a glitzy kind of way but in the sense that it shouldn't just be for special occasions. Being here is the special occasion.

I enjoyed thinking about these 21 things. I felt energised and hopeful.

I invite you to make your own list of 21 things. I'd love to hear what you come up with…




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