Grounded, calm and light

I love my colour palette. The colours come from the land, they're inspired by what makes me feel grounded and calm. And yet they also bring a feeling of lightness or possibility, this is what I hope they evoke for you too. And judging from the feedback I've received, this is very much the case.

The palette hasn't changed too much during the rebranding process, just a little refinement and a couple of additions. I love them to look at but I also love their names; kelp, moss, earth, salt, sand and gorse. They pick up on my love of the Scottish landscape, from the mountains to the sea.

While its 'official' name is gorse, I'm more familiar with it as 'whin' as that's what both my grannies called it. In Celtic tradition, whin is associated with the Cailleach. The Cailleach is the goddess of Winter, the wild and solitary spirit of the wilderness. Her tale is also one of the balance between the light and the dark.

If we look only at the light, we are looking at life out of context. The darkness allows us to see the light, just as much as the light casts shadows. We need both to be able to see. And to be able to see both we sometimes need to create a little time and space to notice, to be curious.


Growing into new spaces


Saorsa (n). freedom