Saorsa (n). freedom

Renaming my business was a really important step in the rebranding process. I knew I needed something that had meaning and connection for me but also something that created a bit of separation and distance.

Through my early mentoring sessions with Sarah, I collected some words, feelings and images a bit like I gather shells and stones on the beach. They were the seeds, not just of the name but the whole ecosystem of my business.

I'd been drawn towards a Gaelic word for quite some time. Although I'm not a Gaelic speaker myself, the language has always been around me. It connects me with those that have gone before me and to the Highlands, particularly the Isle of Skye. If you know me or have been connected with me for any amount of time, you will know that Skye is my spiritual and family home.

I visit Skye as often as I can and on my solo trip in January this year I took with me a well-thumbed, second-hand copy of the Derick Thomson 'New English - Gaelic Dictionary'. I was reliably informed that this is the OG dictionary used by all Gaelic speakers - thanks for the recommendation Claire (if you visit Skye you must visit Claire at Café Cuil for a fabulous Highland brunch).

When I am on Skye I feel a freedom that I don't get in many (if any) other places. Saorsa, meaning freedom felt like the right fit, it fits the evolution of my business and my relationship with it. Saorsa connects me with a time, a place and brings a sense of movement.

It's this sense of movement that attracted me to the Robert Frost quote.

~ Freedom lies in being bold.

It's about being and doing. And really, that's how I got here, how I'll get where I'm going and how I will become who I am yet to be.


Grounded, calm and light

