
Towards the end of last year, things didn't quite feel right in my business. I'd been following Sarah Robertson from There Are The Days for a wee while on Instagram and loved her way of writing and engaging. One day when I decided I need to do something to shift this feeling I booked a call with Sarah. On her website, she says that she 'crafts brands that feel like home' and I realised this was what I needed.

Sarah Philp Coaching didn't 'feel like home' and no longer did the brand feel like it fitted the business I’ve nurtured over the last 3 years. Working with Sarah through her mentoring programme helped me to see that I could bring more ease and confidence to my relationship with the business and how I talk about it.

Exploring the ecosystem of my business has helped to understand it better. I have been able to look at it from different perspectives, through different lenses. This has taken time and investment in many ways, and it’s been so worth it.

Importantly, this project has helped me to see how the business has grown and how much I have to be proud of. Starting a business and then finding myself in a global pandemic within less than 2 months has been quite an experience.

What started as some mentoring to gain clarity and confidence became a much deeper process. It has reminded me of the importance of finding the right fit, Sarah's gentle approach worked well for me and allowed me to be a bit braver in the decisions I made. To use her words, 'it’s been quite the unfolding'.

Now I have a brand that deeply connects with who I am, why I do what I do, how I do it and clearly shows what I do. I will share a little more of the backstory and the inspiration over the next wee while.

But for now, welcome to Saorsa Psychology.


Saorsa (n). freedom


21 things...